Hope Starts Here: Imperative #2
Welcome to the Imperative #2 Data Sharing website. This is where you will find details about how to share your data. Fundamentally, the goal of the Imperative #2 is to support parents and caregivers as their child’s first teacher and champion, as part of Hope Starts Here’s 2027 vision to make Detroit a city that puts children first.
In order to tell the story of Imperative #2 impact, we are collecting data from Imperative #2 partners, cleaning that data, and analyzing it to support our three strategies:
Strategy #3
Support the critical role family plays in making sure kids’ first years are healthy and positive
Strategy #4
Make the processes, programs, and systems that support young children and their families easier to use so they better meet families’ needs
Strategy #5
Build a team of family advocates and community champions to promote early childhood
Our Mission
To provide accessible, high-quality information and analysis to drive informed decision-making.
Data enables us to more objectively understand our community. Using data, we can have informed conversations about the current state of our community, how to best deliver resources, and create the deepest impact.
We Value
Unbiased access to data.
We Exist
To provide equitable access to information and help our community make better decisions.
We Serve
Anyone seeking information to make more informed decisions, including nonprofit organizations, foundations, universities, governments, businesses, and individuals.
We Believe
That behind every data point is a living, breathing person.
Why is D3 Involved?
We are leading specialists in data management with expertise in data collection, data cleaning, and data analytics. Part of our mission is to help organizations, like yours, form data collaboratives. The reason organizations like ours are brought in is because public sector organizations often don’t have the time or funding to do in-depth data strategy and analysis work. We also represent a neutral third party organization that is here to help you develop your data collection strategy and to answer the questions most important to you.
Data collaboratives can be structured in many different ways. Typically, they begin with organizations signing an agreement that outlines what data is being collected and who has access to the data. For your review, the current Imperative #2 Data Stewardship Policy is available below. If you are uploading data, you should have already received and signed the document.
The sharing of data is integral to understanding and sharing the impact of organizations committed to achieving Imperative #2 goals. While the is a voluntary initiative and this Compact creates no legally binding rights or obligations, Task Force partners are expected to abide by key data stewardship requirements to maintain Task Force membership.
For data provided by Task Force partners as a result of its data share responsibility, the Task Force commits to:
- Only use the data to further the mission of the Hope Starts Here Imperative #2, including:
- Reformat & synthesize the data for the creation of an aggregate data set
- Analyze and review the aggregate data set for service overlap, for trends, and to identify gaps in service area
- Share the aggregate data set only with Imperative #2 partners who signed the data sharing agreement
- Report summarizes the entire Imperative #2 data set
For data received by Imperative #2 partners as a result of the data share initiative, the Imperative #2 partners commit to:
- Only use the data to further the organization’s mission and mission of Hope Starts Here, including:
- Collaborate with other Imperative #2 partners to better serve families and caregivers with young children
- Collaborate with other Imperative #2 partners to better implement our programs
- Collaborate with other Hope Starts Here Imperative partners (1-6), and work towards the broader Hope Starts Here goals and objectives
- Improve Detroit family access to training, opportunities and professional development offered through the partner organizations.
- Improve the effectiveness of advocacy strategies that improve programs, policies and systems serving Detroit families.
- Limit access to data within partner organizations to staff actively participating in collaborative activities,
- Never report or share Imperative #2 data on behalf of an organization that is not their own.
What Data are We Collecting?
The first indicator we will be collecting data is for January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023:
Track the number of literacy, adult-child interaction, child development, and parenting activities/events were conducted with parent/caregivers and the number of instruction, business operational support or other events/activities conducted with childcare providers. (# touchpoints, # engagement level one, # engagement level two, # Day of the Young Child).
We are expecting that most organizations will upload an excel spreadsheet. However, you can send us whatever you have, in whatever format you have it, provided it has the data in the agreed upon data fields, listed below. If your data field names are different than the names listed out here, you can include that information on your spreadsheet.
This is a pilot phase of our project, and we encourage organizations to submit their data as it is, even if it’s not perfect. Please send us whatever data you have, in any format you have it.
Please send in your data by January 31, 2025.
These are the agreed upon data fields:
Data Field |
Definition |
Title/Event | |
Date of event | |
Type of Event |
Description of Event | |
Location of the event: | |
Street address | |
City | |
Zip | |
Target Audience: | |
Parent/family, parent/family and child |
Person(s) who take responsibility for the care, nurturance, direction, support, guidance and love of a child(ren)
Caregivers |
Person caring for the child while parents/guardians are at work, school or other activity outside of the state of Michigan licensing system (includes unlicensed, licensed exempt, and other family members)
Teachers/educator | |
Director/owner | |
Engagement level: | |
Touchpoint | ECE related give-a-ways, call, flyer, attendance at a large or small information sharing events without instruction, all in support of increasing awareness of the importance of healthy child development. |
Engagement level one | Participation in activities, training, support group and/or learning opportunity of 2 hours or less, showing minimal mastery of information and concepts. |
Engagement level two | Participation in activities, training, support group and/or learning opportunity of 2 hours or more, showing commitment to mastery of information and concepts. Demonstrated utilization of learnings and experience becoming a leader in activities, conduct training, lead the meeting or host the activity. |
Day of the Young Child | |
Number of attendees |
This data is not proprietary to a family or childcare program, and it will still provide us data about our collective impact.