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Welcome to the Hope Starts Here Imperative 2 data upload page.

There is a place to upload your data at the bottom of the page.

We are now collecting data on the first indicator, and we are collecting data for January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023:
Track the number of literacy, adult-child interaction, child development, and parenting activities/events were conducted with parent/caregivers and the number of instruction, business operational support or other events/activities conducted with childcare providers. (# touchpoints, # engagement level one, # engagement level two, # Day of the Young Child).

We are expecting that most organizations will upload an excel spreadsheet. However, you can send us whatever you have, in whatever format you have it, provided it has the data in the agreed upon data fields, listed below. If your data field names are different than the names listed out here, you can include that information on your spreadsheet.

This is a pilot phase of our project, and we encourage organizations to submit their data as it is, even if it’s not perfect. Please send us whatever data you have, in any format you have it.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sean at D3 at if you need help.

Please send in your data by January 31, 2025.

Data Field Definition
Date of event
Type of Event
  • Family Literacy
  • Book distribution
  • Health
  • Financial literacy
  • Language and literacy milestones
  • Science and nature
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Self-care
  • Literacy
  • Child development
  • Parenting activities
  • Parent education
  • Provider education
  • Adult-child interaction
  • Resource-referral
  • Give-a-way
  • Mental health education & support
  • Basic needs
Description of Event
Location of the event:
Street address
Target Audience:
Parent/family, parent/family and child

Person(s) who take responsibility for the care, nurturance, direction, support, guidance and love of a child(ren)

  • Allows for the many ways adults support the care for a child,
  • Ensure the many people who care for children or contribute to a child’s growth are included,
  • Taking responsibility can take many forms
  • Kinship care is defined as relatives or other adults who care for a child(ren) when the parent is not able to for a short-term or long-term basis.

Person caring for the child while parents/guardians are at work, school or other activity outside of the state of Michigan licensing system (includes unlicensed, licensed exempt, and other family members)

  • The Village – Family, Friend or Neighbor caring for the child and not paid.
  • Licensed Exempt Child Care Providers – Family, Friend or Neighbor caring for the child and paid through childcare subsidy.
  • Unlicensed- Family, Friend or Neighbor paid caring for the child.
Engagement level:
Touchpoint ECE related give-a-ways, call, flyer, attendance at a large or small information sharing events without instruction, all in support of increasing awareness of the importance of healthy child development.
Engagement level one Participation in activities, training, support group and/or learning opportunity of 2 hours or less, showing minimal mastery of information and concepts.
Engagement level two Participation in activities, training, support group and/or learning opportunity of 2 hours or more, showing commitment to mastery of information and concepts. Demonstrated utilization of learnings and experience becoming a leader in activities, conduct training, lead the meeting or host the activity.
Day of the Young Child
Number of attendees